"I am going to try to adhere to the original movie as best as I can. At the same time, it can't be just a retread of the original."
Yes, as alarming as it might be that any studio (Universal in this case) would seriously consider a new spit and polish on a classic, it's almost gotten to the point that we expect it. Maybe Steinfeld is the right guy for the job, but that's first assuming the job itself is the right thing to do.
But one thing that hits me like a bowling ball in the gut is Steinfeld's confirmation that he'll incorporate the original's most memorable element.
"You have to work the Hansons into the movie," he insists. "I think people would really be let down if the Hansons were not in the movie. They are such an iconic part of that classic."

To me, this is exactly the reason you don't make a new version of Slap Shot and sure as hell don't parade the Hansons out to be a part of it. All that can be gained by it at this point is undoing some of the legacy of the first film. Need I remind anyone that at some point a group of executives thought Blues Brothers 2000 was a good idea?
Original here
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