Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The 25 Sexiest Daily Show Moments: #5-1

We've had quite a sexy week together, you and I. It's hard to believe that in ten years, we'll grow so passionless and distant. More roommates than lovers, really. Until then though, we've still got #5-1 of the sexiest Daily Show moments. And that's something. Isn't it?

If you missed #25 through #6, there are links at the bottom of this post.

#5 Battle of the Bulge

We always knew Ed Helms was sexy. We always knew he'd look great in a Speedo. But it wasn't until his employment of a state-of-the-art nut-cam that we knew it was love.

#4 News I'd Like to F@#k

How great is Sam Bee? She's the best thing to come out of Canada since round bacon. Best of all, she's been pregnant on the show, so you know she puts out. Total DSCILF.

#3 Popping a Big Tent

We've already seen Stephen Colbert erotically eating a banana, and it was hot. It was damn hot. But when it comes to Colbert erotically eating things, I think Colbert erotically eating pizza wins.

#2 Sexism

Sexism? More like sexyism. Am I right? When I first saw this segment, my intial reaction was a boner. Then, my second reaction was another boner. But, my fourteenth reaction was to compile the very list you're reading right now. God bless you, Ms. Schaal.

#1 Moment of Zen: Shirtless

Can you imagine finding an old film strip of Charlie Chaplin, Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King shirtlessly writhing and posing together? I mean, you know things like that happened all the time, but to have it preserved on film? Well, that's exactly what it felt like to unearth this magical video. Someday your grandchildren will show this to their robots.

Previously: The 25 Sexiest Daily Show Moments: #10-6

Previously: The 25 Sexiest Daily Show Moments: #15-11

Previously: The 25 Sexiest Daily Show Moments: #20-16

Previously: The 25 Sexiest Daily Show Moments: #25-21

Original here

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